In 2022 asked myself the question: was there a way to manage to make a trip like this safely? Both for my own sake, and for the sake of those I will meet en route.

I concluded it is possible, took some basic precautions, and managed to not fall sick en route. I took similar precautions in 2023 and will do again in 2024.

First of all I am vaccinated, and three times boosted.

I will take a LFT test at the start of each and every day of the trip, and will wear a FFP-2 mask on every train that does not have opening windows or where I do not have my own compartment – and I will do this regardless of the COVID situation in the country I am visiting.

With regard to events en route, I am going to check organisers insist on good ventilation in all venues. I am also going to take a CO2 meter with me – this is a simple and easy check to determine when a room needs to be aired.

The costs of masks and tests will be covered in the crowdfunding for 2024 as they were in 2022 and 2023.

As I am travelling in the summer months I am going to aim to do every social or informal event outdoors, so as to further minimise the risk of transmission.