Throughout the #CrossChannelRail project there are a series of events – all of which are free to attend.
Monday 17 March, Bordeaux
Event type: formal public event about the future of railways in Europe, together with Hourrail (present) and Tilly Metz MEP (via video)
Web stream: tbc
Language: French
Time: 17:30-19:00
Location: Sciences Po Bordeaux, 11 All. Ausone, 33600 Pessac, France [map]
Signup: obligatory [signup form]
Wednesday 19 March, Barcelona
Event type: informal, come and say hello over a beer
Web stream: no
Language: English, mostly
Time: 19:30-21:00
Location: La Carmen Taperia Cerveceria, Plaça Kennedy, Distrito de Sarrià-Sant Gervasi, 08022 Barcelona, Spain [map]
Signup: optional – but if you do say you’ll come it helps to know numbers! [signup form]
Thursday 20 March, Marseille
Event type: formal public event, more about #CrossBorderRail than the channel tunnel work specifically – featuring lots of photos at borders at forgotten corners of Europe
Web stream: yes
Language: French
Time: 19:30-21:00
Location: Grande librairie internationale de Marseille, 3 Rue Vincent Scotto, 13001 Marseille, France [map]
Signup: obligatory [signup form]
Friday 21 March, Lyon
Event type: informal, but not yet planned
I have some time in Lyon on this day, afternoon and evening – if you would like to say hello or show me some aspect of the railway infrastructure, let me know!
Signup: please suggest something! [signup form]
Sunday 23 March, Freiburg (Breisgau)-Basel-Zürich
Event type: I am investigating 3 stations this day, and some Swiss friends will join me. Come along and say hello – either at one of the stations or on board the trains or both
Web stream: no
Language: a mix of English, French and German
Time: all day
Location: Freiburg (Breisgau) Hbf (11:00-13:00), Basel SBB (14:00-15:30) and Zürich HB (16:30-18:00)
Signup: obligatory, to allow coordination [signup form]
Tuesday 25 March, Strasbourg
Event type: informal, but not yet planned
I have some time in Strasbourg on this day, afternoon and evening – if you would like to say hello or show me some aspect of the railway infrastructure, let me know!
Signup: please suggest something! [signup form]
Wednesday 26 March, Köln and/or Düsseldorf
Event type: informal, but not yet planned
I have some time in Köln and Düsseldorf on this day, afternoon and evening – if you would like to say hello or show me some aspect of the railway infrastructure, let me know!
Signup: please suggest something! [signup form]
Thursday 27 March, Den Haag
Event type: bike and walking tour, followed by an informal get together. The idea is to check where trains to the UK could depart from Den Haag – this will take 10 mins on foot at Den Haag HS, and then c. 4km cycling, ending close to Den Haag Centraal
Web stream: no
Language: English, mostly
Time: 18:00 (bike and walking tour), 19:00 (informal get together)
Location: for the bike and walking tour – at the top of the steps to the bike parking on the back side of Den Haag HS station [geo location]
For the informal get together – Foodhall MingleMush, Anna van Buerenplein 712, 2595 DK Den Haag, Netherlands [map]
Signup: optional – but if you do say you’ll come it helps to know numbers! [signup form]
Friday 28 March, Bruxelles
Event type: informal, come and say hello over a beer
Web stream: no
Language: English, mostly
Time: 17:00-20:00
Location: Reception Bar, Hotel Aloft Bruxelles, Pl. Jean Rey, 1040 Bruxelles, Belgium [map]
Signup: optional – but if you do say you’ll come it helps to know numbers! [signup form]
Monday 31 March, London
Event type: formal public event about the future of the Channel Tunnel, hosted by Campaign for Better Transport, and with authors and rail experts Gareth Dennis and Monisha Rajesh on the panel
Web stream: tbc
Language: English
Time: 18:00-20:00, followed by a small reception
Location: still needs final confirmation! Steer, 14 – 21 Rushworth Street, London SE1 0RB, United Kingdom [map]
Signup: obligatory on Eventbrite
Tuesday 1 April, Ashford
Event type: formal public event at Ashford Station
Web stream: no
Language: English
Time: 17:00-19:00
Location: Ashford International, Ashford TN23 1EZ, United Kingdom [map]
Signup: obligatory [signup form]
Thursday 3 April, Paris
Event type: formal public event about the future of the Channel Tunnel
Web stream: yes
Language: French
Time: 18:00-19:30
Location: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Paris, 80 quai de Jemmapes 75010 Paris, France [map]
Signup: absolutely obligatory – limited space [signup form]
Somewhere else?
Have an idea for an event somewhere else? Then let me know via the signup form!