I’m writing on a grey Tuesday morning in Novi Grad at the north western corner of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and yesterday evening was one of those magical but melancholy moments in this #CrossBorderRail project.

I’d crossed Republika Srpska throughout the day, on worn but charming trains, and then hopped on the bike to cycle to the border bridge. And then flying the drone in the evening light end up with pictures like this.

But there is a sadness here too. International trains from Zagreb to Sarajevo via Banja Luka used to cross this bridge, while today only freight uses the line. Croatian side the passenger trains run to Volinja, and in Republika Srpska only to Dobrljin. This one – were the politics better – would be easy to solve.

These are the types of problems I can push to solve through this project, and the good news is that this summer’s project is now 100% funded and the crowd funding appeal has been closed. Many, many thanks to all of you for your donations! And if you would like a postcard as a small thank you, please let me know!

I am going to be presenting some of the first lessons learned from the Bosnia & Herzegovina part of the project on Wednesday 12 June at 10:30 at the University of Zagreb and 14 June at 18:00 in Čakovec. And if you cannot attend either of those events, on 9 July there is a webinar for more systematic conclusions – sign up here.

There has also been some press coverage of this year’s project already – in L’Yonne Republicaine and in Croatia thanks to the trip Tovarnik – Šíd with Paul Bradbury.

The Dutch vPro documentary that also covers a lot of the #CrossBorderRail themes has also now been translated into English.

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