The #CrossBorderRail finale for 2023 starts on 17th October. I am heading first from Berlin to Slovenia, from there to Karlsruhe for the BAG Mobilität & Verkehr of the German Grüne, and then head to Spain and Portugal (to speak at the Interreg annual event in Santiago de Compostela). There are events in Ljubljana and Barcelona en route as well. You can find the detailed schedule here.

For this part of #CrossBorderRail I am trying something new with the live updates. So far in 2023 I have posted a daily thread on Mastodon (follow me there), and there is a live blog on this homepage of this website each day as well, but I am going to try to post a daily thread on Bluesky too (you can find me on Bluesky here).

The problem?

Threads on Bluesky are a little peculiar.

By default only replies to a post (which is what, technically, subsequent posts in a thread are) only show in the standard Bluesky apps once they have 2 Likes or more. Which might be… some time after the post was initially sent. So were I to stumble upon something extraordinary in the middle of a #CrossBorderRail day, a bunch of people are not going to see that post unless they click on the thread detail.

What’s the solution?

If you are using the default web app for Bluesky go to your settings here, and set Reply Filters to “Show all replies” – as shown here. You can set the same in the default Bluesky apps for Android and iOS.

In a web browser, I encourage you to use – not only does this give you an excellent Tweetdeck-like interface, but it also has this likes on replies filter set to off by default, and thread posts appear at the top of your feed.

You can also subscribe to the #CrossBorderRail Feed that I have now made on Bluesky (thanks Nicolas Scharioth for the tip).

Oh and if you appreciate my #CrossBorderRail posts on Bluesky do Like them on Bluesky – because then more people who have not changed the default will also see them!

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